The Goal of Bible in a Year

Hi friend!

You want to read the Bible in a year. I am SO glad to hear it!

Every Woman a Theologian exists to equip women and men to know what they believe, live it, and communicate it. But to know what we believe about God and the world and our own selves... we have to be in the Bible.

So often we desire to read our Bibles and get the whole, big picture story... but we give up in Leviticus!

I want to see each member of this course FINISH STRONG, and I believe you can do it! All it takes is:

  • consistency
  • diligence
  • community
  • a desire to know God!

The Bible in your hands is hard-won. People died to translate it for you. They died transporting it across borders. They pored over its pages in secret, hiding it beneath floor boards and with their most treasured possessions. To them, reading the Bible was not a chore. It was an honor! And I think we need to embrace that attitude right at the beginning.

It's an honor to read the Bible. And that means we will make some sacrifices to prioritize it.

This course is particularly designed to provide the support and resources for you to complete the Bible in a year plan.

However, you must fully take advantage of what we provide! No amount of resources will make you complete your goal. You must know, internally, WHY this matters so much and devote yourself to making it happen. God will aid you in this - and He will give lots of grace for the process!

The goal of this course is to:

  • Grant you a big picture view of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
  • Teach you how to engage with Scripture without perfectionism or hyper-detail
  • Learn how to draw out theological principles, not just quick application
  • Engage with a text even when short on time
  • Become flexible in your bible reading and "graciously disciplined"
  • Connect with other members of the EWAT community to stay accountable and discuss the text!

Are you ready? I hope so!

**We have enabled downloads on the files and some videos to make them accessible to you! Please do not copy or distribute these to non-subscribers.**

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